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Old 17-10-2010, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Martin Pugh View Post
Hello everyone
I said I would come back and let you know what I opted for.
I bought the new Canon T2i Rebel (550D), and sent it off to Hap Griffin straight away to have it modded while I worked through the manual.

I then did a lot of reading about lenses and opted for a fixed FL, the 85mm f1.8 USM lens.

I received that yesterday, and mounted the camera next to my FSQ and off I went.

I have to say I am shockingly disappointed. The first images (60 secs, ISO 800) were just terrible. Huge coma. I also thought I had achieved a good focus, but the images were dreadfully out of focus, suggesting th lens focus position moved during a slew.

I stopped the lens down 2 stops to f2.2, to no avail. So I will try f4 next.

I thought the fixed focal length lens were supposed to be far superior to telephoto lens. I also understand this is an APS-C format camera, so it physically isnt full 35mm frame format, like the 1D etc.

So, right now, very disappointed.

tips anyone?

Hi Martin,
I'm having the same feelings towards my 24-70mm f2.8L lens - great for daytime, woeful under the stars...but I knew that on the way into the purchase so there's no excuses really - like H said, great portrait lens.
My other lens is another story altogether - contrary to the primes are better than zooms argument, the 70-200mm f4L IS is working out very well in the dark - Flat field, nice colour correction.
Here's my initial test...
Check out the MTF scores then compare the zoom range with its equivalent L primes...
And last, compare the 70-200 @85mm f4 with your 85mm prime @f4...

All is not lost Martin
Sell the 85 and get a 70-200 f4L IS!!

All the best
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