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Old 16-10-2010, 09:35 PM
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RobF (Rob)
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RobF is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Thanks Bert - I'm always in awe of your widefield work, and this helps show a bit of the magic going on to bring your data together. I'll just have to get my hands dirty give it a try sometime versus layers and Pixinsight. Like most things in this hobby, I expect it will be a case of not which tool is best, but figuring out what to use where and how to make it work effectively.

Wonderful widefield Orion too BTW

Bert, while I'm learning, how would you suggest I stop down a nifty 50 (F/1.8 II) lens when I use it on my 450D? I believe you have made up something from a coffee tin? I'd love to try and bit more widefield this year, and I expect stopping down like this would help a bit more with dew until I sort out a heater solution.
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