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Old 06-10-2010, 03:05 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
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Originally Posted by TheFacelessMen View Post
Hi Peter,

What model and year Benz is that ?? ........

One point though is the SBIG uses a Kodak sensor. How do these compare to the Sony SuperHAD's?? Is there a major benefit over one or the other?

........E class I think

Unfortunately Sony don't release absolute QE data, so it's difficult to compare the two sensors. While the KAF is has a higher noise floor, this becomes moot with highly regulated chamber temperatures, using an equivalent dark frame subtraction etc. will easily clean up any noise.

The KAF11002 is also quite a large sensor...most are APS sized or you will cover quite a bit more sky with a single exposure.

BTW, even if I wasn't associated with SBIG I'd still be using their cameras as like, Selly's they simply work.
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