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Old 03-08-2010, 11:08 PM
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dugnsuz (Doug)
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dugnsuz is offline
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Well well well!!!!
Straight from the main man...

From: Douglas Robertson
To: Yun Lee
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 10:06 PM
Subject: Cooled 40D - daytime use

A quick question - can a Cooled/Spectrum enhanced 40D DSLR be used for daytime photography too?


Doug Robertson

Hello Doug Robertson,

Thanks for your inquiry.
Yes, you can use your camera for daytime photography. But you can find the red emphasized color tone.
If you use our CP-1 filter you can correct the color tone to original Canon color.

Best regards,

Yun Lee

As if the huge white 300mm L lens wasn't conspicuous enough! Now I can wander around my son's soccer games with a bloomin' great Excooler hanging off the left side of the DSLR too - eyecatching!!!
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