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Old 21-06-2010, 11:31 AM
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gbeal is offline
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Thanks again to all, I appreciate it.
I have had meaningful dialogue with both IP (Mike Unsold) and CCDStack (Stan Moore). Both have been extremely helpful.
I have never really gotten off the ground with IP, and find it "different". As an example, and not a critisism, just when you stack a set of subs, and are presented with the result that you can't see, it is an off-putting feeling. Others seem to give you the ability to see the image, or at least change some parameters to see it. Maybe IP does, but I didn't find it.
I did get a trial version of IP3.8 though, and I was able to calibrate, align, and stack 30 images without any issues, and on the old PC I acquire with.
Additionally I tried Version 2 of CCDStack, and while it is slightly different, it was similar, but didn't like any more than about a dozen images. I tried to replicate what I had done with IP, and it wouldn't.
There are differing thoughts too, from both the aforementioned learned gentlemen. One advocates splitting the OSC files into the respective R, G, and B channels, and processing separately, then recombining at the end. The other reckons OSC is done all the way through without splitting. How is a dipstick like me supposed to know?
More testing yet, but if nothing else I can see IP does what I want, whereas (sorry Marc) CCDStack won't, at least not like IP does anyway.
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