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Old 18-05-2010, 09:01 PM
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Tilt (Michael)
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Posts: 558
Yugant - yes, my first 50D was no good. It was just a very unfortunate situation that I was in, it was very difficult to convince Canon that I had a problem with the camera. Now I'm not sure what kind of testing Canon did? Who knows? Could have been anything. What ever hoops they were putting my original 50D through, apparently the sensor passed with flying colours (no pun). I disagreed with them, but it got me no where.

This second 50D is fine, you should have seen me when I saw the first 5min sub come down to the laptop, the image was clean and clear. I was like a mad scientist! I just wanted to ring Canon up right there and say "I told you, I was right!"

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