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Old 15-03-2010, 03:58 PM
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Widefield wuss

AlexN is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Caboolture, Australia
Posts: 6,859
First off mate, what are your optics? Some refractors will simply not focus blue as tightly as it will focus other colours.. I'd agree with Fred, Deconvolving the blue channel to to get the stars the same size as the rest is the way to go... My setup required a slight focus change L and R were equally focused, G was slightly out, and blue slightly out again. (with my refractor) however refocusing between filters fixed that up no worries.... I use an LPS inline as robin mentioned, however I don't know how that would make much of a difference? unless your LRGB filters are not UV/IR blocking and the LPS is. My LRGB are UV/IR blocked - I saw no difference in star sizes when using the LPS filter...
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