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Old 03-03-2010, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob_K View Post
Yes, thanks Les for 1000 interesting & informative posts! Your observations are building a massive database on IIS for visual observers now and in the future, and your meticulously crafted and well thought out replies on other threads regarding clarifications or as responses to queries are always a joy to read. Thanks for sharing! Dare I say it, but your 1000 posts are more like 10,000 when compared to the average information content/post on this forum, LOL! 20,000 compared to mine!

Great report again - ain't cloud wonderful? The capricious behaviour of clouds (clearing when you've packed up or given up, or in a broken sky the object you're after ALWAYS being behind cloud) is the only tangible evidence I've seen for a Supreme Being, albeit a vengeful and petty one. Anyway, I'll leave the rest to SAB on that subject...

Cheers -
haha thanks Rob.... that actually happened to me clouded over just after the session started, and as soon as I packed *everything* in............... clear as a freaking bell for the rest of the night. My blood pressure was about 9999 over 999....

Anyway, another excellent report Les, and what better way to polish off the ol' grand! i totally agree with you on Mars, too low and tiny to be interesting, always just a boiling blob here. We'll have to wait until 2018 to get the biggest opposition...almost directly overhead in Capricornus!

I've noticed those dark spots in the Homunculus aswell. The brighter Eta seems to drown out the light of the nebula making it somewhat more difficult to observe than before.

Originally Posted by ngcles View Post
CLOUD … forming everywhere at once. It wasn’t coming from anywhere. It didn’t seem to be going anywhere it just popped into existence in the same way as a large bar-tab (apologies to Douglas Adams). The sky went from 80% clear to 0% clear in what seemed like 2 minutes flat! Yes, all cloud is annoying, but this was particularly irritating because it was very low, thin enough to just see 1st magnitude stars through (but nothing else) and completely stationary. And, it stayed that way until we gave up the fight at 2.45am and packed up.

Of course, half-way through the disassemble and pack, a few breaks here and there started to appear and by the time everything was stowed, we set out for home under a pristine sky.

Astronomy is a hard mistress, is it not?
That is a well known phenomenon known as the "Melbourne factor".

Anyways, 2 nice hours is better than 0 hours, isn’t it?

Thanks for putting up with me for the last 2 ½ years on this forum and in particular thank you to those who regularly post here in the Observations Forum for you friendship.


Les D
Putting up with ya.....howz about enjoying your reports and contributions
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