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Old 28-02-2010, 09:20 PM
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Widefield wuss

AlexN is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Caboolture, Australia
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mmm Mine was a decision of FL and QE... Having had an ST10 in the past, I understand perfectly what a high QE camera has over a lower QE camera.

I think it was also the fact that the prices of the ST8300 setup were separate, where as the STL11K setup was a single $8500 item, the 8300 setup SEEMED more achievable, where as in reality, both were achievable.. The 8300 will give you sharper images in the FSQ, but given the amount of FSQ + STL images out there that are awesome, you'd have done well either way...

The STL11K wouldn't have taken any more skill to master I don't think.. Self guiding isnt any more difficult to master than external guiding. if anything. I find it easier.. The only difference to external guiding is that you don't have to setup an external guide scope/camera. just connect to the self guiding camera, compose your image with the imaging camera, select a guide star with the guiding camera, tell it to guide and start your imaging run... Nothing to it...
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