Thread: SBIG or QHY9
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Old 07-12-2009, 08:46 PM
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Widefield wuss

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A lot of people use cameras with small pixels in long focal length setups. Fred (Bassnut) uses his ST10XME in a 12" SCT @ F/10 sometimes, the ST10XME has 6.8um pixels, half way between that of the QHY8/ST4K and the QHY9/ST8300.. Given his results I dare say that you could use the KAF8300 sensor in the same optical configuration without issue.. Granted, the seeing would have to be very good to support the resolution, having said that, Adaptive optics units are becoming widely available for different cameras with Orion making an AO unit for any camera, Starlight Xpress having an AO unit that can be used with any camera...
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