Thread: DSLR and Ha
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Old 28-10-2009, 06:50 PM
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Widefield wuss

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I do essentially the same thing, using a one shot colour CCD camera... I take Ha images from home, and then colour images on new moon weekends from dark skies and combine the two to create a HaRGB image...

With the Ha data, you only use the red channel, as the green and blue channels will be nothing but noise.. It works well, and can really give an image some punch.. Ha also allows you to go very deep from light polluted skies... I was running 20 minute subs of the horse head during full moon just 24km away from brisbane CBD...

Worth the effort, especially if you look at Scott (Tornado33). A week or so ago he posted a wide field of M8 and m20 done in Ha with his modded DSLR, it was sensational!
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