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Old 01-05-2009, 05:01 PM
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dugnsuz (Doug)
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dugnsuz is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Hahndorf, South Australia
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Seems the consensus on the photography forums is that in theory 14bit images should exhibit "4 times as much tonal information as a 12-bit ones", but in reality a "14 bit RAW doesn't produce a visible improvement in tonal richness" over a 12bit RAW image. Something to consider!?

But, astroimaging is a cruel mistress and will be very quick to highlight the flaws and short-comings of any imaging system - so, as with all things astro...go for the best you can afford.
My vote is the 450D, but I'm sure either one will not disappoint you in their performances.
Good Luck
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