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Old 19-03-2009, 01:37 PM
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dugnsuz (Doug)
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Originally Posted by RB View Post
Marcus, it looks like CA but the problem may well be your focus after-all.
How do you focus the 350D?

I know you mentioned that you did focus properly but with modded DSLRs it is absolutely critical to get focus spot on or else you run the risk of halos.
Perhaps you can give it another go using a focus mask and see if it happens again.
My first thoughts too Andrew, but Markus's shots look very sharp with focus dead on IMO. I think as Kal said, we're seeing the differences in FPL51 and 53 type glasses when compared to the ED80. I know that the AOE scope doesn't use FPL53 glass as I enquired a while back when they first appeared.
Those ED80's are an absolute bargain for us budget conscious imagers!!
I still look at some of those early shots I took with mine and think "why did I sell it...D'Oh!!"
Sorry Markus, not really what you want to hear, but try and exchange it - I've always found the AOE lot very fair to deal with.
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