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Old 08-12-2008, 06:05 PM
neversommer (Pascal)
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neversommer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Perth
Posts: 33
Oh my gosh this is so much information..

Well I have to drill wholes in my telescope..that kinda is bad
First of all is there a australian website which offers such tripod thingies which are also compatible with my unknown telescope?
Dick smith offers atm a celestron Power Seek 127mm Telescope with a smooth tracker,would have that be any better in quality?

I mean I am not fat but leaning on my telescope over the finderscope to actually kinda bring the planet in my crosshair is very difficult and then to lock it it locks in a bit below for what I want it to be.Also I am having back problems with makes it a big unpleasent for me constantly trying to bring the telescope into position without it moving down all the time..I might try tonight sitting if the sky is clear but it wont as it looks like it.

The best bet is if someone is here in perth living who can come over and help me setting this thing up for me....

I have spend 120 aud for it I know i should have spend more but I just want to get it stable..
I mean to put those things on,I dont even know how to do such a thing

I am new to all this,and just want to see jupiter before its to late.

What sort of lenses are enough to see planets in enough size?I was very happy with the 1.5 erecting eyepiece on 12.5mm for the moon which is saw some great details.
I had clear sky those 2 days I was viewing and I have been having so far over 8 mosquite bites on me cause of me trying to focus on jupiter,but since it is such a small dot,with this telescope it is simply impossible.

I need someone to come over maybe or to have a look at it before saturn will hit our sky at the end of our month.

What is the best aussie magazine to buy for charts or for what I need cause I just wanna see some cool nebulas or something and what is the best setting for me to see all this in the sky???I am in the garden so got a nice allround view.

I just wanna get it right.
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