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Old 09-10-2008, 10:16 AM
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RB (Andrew)

RB is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 25,833
If you're going to buy a 5D, buy it now, prices are uncertain and volatile.
The new 1000D went up by $100 overnight at one supplier.

The only reason I see that the 5D may stay stable is that they have stock already and so they keep it at the old price.
The OS price of the 5D may drop slightly in Nov when the 5D MkII is released but this may be offset by the falling dollar by then on whatever new 5D stock they can get their hands on.

All the new Canon models will probably rise soon, as most probably Canon Lenses too.

Are you definitely after a FF body?
Or would you consider a 50D instead?
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