Thread: Capturing AVIs
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Old 21-07-2008, 06:23 AM
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iceman (Mike)
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Hi Darrell.

I used to do what you're doing - capture one long single avi and then split it out using virtual dub. I did it that way because my IC Capture and DMK21AF04 was flaky on my laptop - and sometimes pressing record wouldn't actually record and it would stall after about 5 seconds. So to eliminate the possibility of that happening during a run of good seeing, once I got it to start recording, I wouldn't stop recording until the end - I'd also leave it recording while I changed filter so I could easily see where the break was in virtual dub.

It worked and was a way around my problem, but it did take longer and was more annoying, having to keep track of which frame each filter started and stopped at, etc.

When I got my DMK21AU04, I no longer had the issue of recording halting or pausing, so I started capturing separate avi's for each colour channel. It's much easier to save the bitmaps out in virtual dub because I don't need to think of it.

I save the avi's using the auto-file-naming in IC Capture, by putting a sequence number and the date/time in the filename. After i've finished capturing the 3 channels, I'll go to windows explorer and rename them to indicate the colour channel that was recorded. It's quicker and easier to do it this way rather than at capture time, because you want to be able to start capturing the next channel as quickly as possible.

So my original filenames for 2 consecutive capture runs might be:

I then rename then using windows explorer to be:

So they sort correctly, and can easily identify what colour channel and run it belongs to, and the date/time is needed for getting the CM1/2/3 values for submitting the images to the guys that analyse them.

I hope that helps.
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