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Old 15-06-2008, 09:49 PM
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erick (Eric)

erick is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Gerringong
Posts: 8,537
Trevor is exactly right, cpoc. But, when you don't have a DSLR and won't have one for a while, you have to do what you can, don't you!

OK, here are the experiences of a long time Pentax SLR user, but a very beginner astrophotographer. Here are a few threads if you want to see what I have tried:-

There are various tricks, eg. to avoid camera shake on long exposure, if you don't have mirror lockup and a remote cable release, you hold something in front of the lens (a hat is good), open the shutter, remove it when the camera stops shaking, expose your shot, hold it back in front of the lens, then close the shutter.

Then wait patiently until some el-cheapo film processing place have developed your film so you can scan the negs and see what you got, hairs and dust included!!

Have I mentioned, I'd love a DSLR?

Start with some star trails using a tripod - good fun. Defocus the camera to bring out the colours in the brighter stars. Make a "barndoor" tracker to counteract the earth's rotation.

Happy to chat. PM me. I can lend you some gear for you to try out.

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