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Old 31-05-2008, 11:36 PM
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Widefield wuss

AlexN is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Caboolture, Australia
Posts: 6,858
theres a couple of modded 300D's in the trading section around 300 - 450... cant go wrong in my opinion.

The D40 shouldnt have too much trouble.... what programs cant you use with it? and what are you trying to do?

My D50 (the D40's predecessor despite a stupid naming convention) is capable, and using a remote shutter release, exposures are quite easily controlled... Dont give up on it just yet... but that being said. a modded canon will beat the pants off it for astro work...

I paid $270 for a modded spc900nc... not realising that a modded 300D would be $30 more, and apart from the 900nc's planetary prowess, for DSO's I should have bought a non modded 900nc and a 300D... would have been $450is for both..

My 2c. (however incoherent it may.. been up for a few too many hours.)
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