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Old 09-05-2008, 02:13 AM
Ian Robinson
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Ian Robinson is offline
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Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
Hi Rob

I purchased the standard 18-50mm and 55-200mm standard kit lenses with our Pentax *ist DS and they kept me happy for a while and are great for good quality, happy snaps.

However, when we got the 40D we also got the Canon 70-200 F4 L lens and it is an absolute cracker; much, much more expensive though! We also got a “specialized” 60mm F2.8 Macro lens and it is as sharp as the proverbial razor. Here are a couple of example photos; the pairing dragonflies from the 70-200 and the close ups from the 60mm macro.

Just like astronomy, there are telescopes and there are telescopes – you get what you pay for.



PS - Tak have now discontinued the M180!
Wonderful macro shots of the insects - I am particularly impressed with the dragonfly's eye !!!.... I like that kind of thing too , and have also been known to frequently pull over to take close ups of flowers too (when travelling out the back of beyond .... positively drove my son batty .... (but a good excuse to stop , get out , walk about stretch the legs , water a tree (if there was one handy) , and grab the bottle of fizzy cold stuff (Fanta , Coke Cola) or a juice from the car fridge ) .....
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