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Old 10-12-2007, 02:11 PM
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Suzy_A is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Fremantle
Posts: 238
I once tried sticking my 30D in the freezer for a few hours and then taking some photos with it. The reduction in noise was amazing....

The main issue was condensation and the secondary issue was kepping the camera cold for a few hours, so I've been thinking of making a jacket out of something - wetsuit material or something - to provide a bit of insulation and making sure the whole thing is well sealed inside a plastic bag or something.

As for stopping condensation on the sensor (or rather the filter over the sensor), that's easily done by just sticking a T-adapter with a 2" filter (clear or Halpha or whatever) on it and purging the air inside the space with a dry gas. The gas inside provides enough insulation to keep the sensor cold for a while and prevent condensation. But I would probably also stick some silica gell inside too.
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