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Old 28-08-2007, 07:41 AM
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iceman (Mike)
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iceman is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Gosford, NSW, Australia
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From looking at other Totality images during the March total eclipse that the US and Europe had, it does look like quite a long exposure will be needed - especially if it's a "deep"/dark eclipse - which this one should be, given that the moon passes quite deep into the Earth's shadow (it's not just a graze).

So undriven (no tracking) images during totality will be quite difficult - especially if you were (like me) planning on doing afocal handheld shots through the scope. Exposures of up 10-30s may be needed, perhaps even more. That's simply not in the realm of handheld or no tracking.

I wasn't planning on taking my mount (I was going to use the newt on the dob base), but now i'll take the mount and put the other camera on it with the 300mm lens, and use that for the tracked images. The image scale won't be as good and it won't be as sharp, but it'll be ok for a lower-res animation or similar.

I really need an ED80 and adapters for my DSLR.
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