Thread: 300 D Question
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Old 05-05-2007, 09:45 AM
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Zuts is offline
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300 D Question

Hi All

I have a 300D and am trying to shoot at prime focus on a celestron C11, not into eyepiece projection yet, for a bit more mag i have a 2 by powermate.

Just looking to start on mooon, planets and open clusters.

(Q1) The moon is too bright so i was going to get a moon filter to put behind the T-ring. Then i thought why not get a sky glow filter rather than this. More expensive but maybe more uses. Is a sky glow filter good for sydney skies and a 300D. I have a UHC filter but this would be too dark and would change colour balance?
(Q2) At prime focus i cant set the aperture (no lens) but can vary the shutter speed. What else should i be setting. At the moment i leave the white balance on auto and select raw quality.
(Q3) On 30 second exposures on say the Jewel Box, i see lots of stuck pixels (red and green dots), maybe 30 or more. Is this hopeless or can they be processed out using dark frames?
(Q4) I dont have a polar wedge, but am hoping i can at least get up to 1 minute on my Nexstar 11 alt az mount, is this too ambitious what would be the limit before i get star trails?

Phew lots of questions

Thanks Paul
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