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Old 03-05-2007, 11:17 PM
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erick (Eric)

erick is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Gerringong
Posts: 8,537
Hi pikpakboom! Sorry for the obvious question - are all the covers and caps off both ends? Eyepiece is in place? Have you followed the instructions in the manual? Set up tomorrow during the day looking at a distant hilltop, or house , or TV antenna (DO NOT not point in the direction of the sun!!!) Plenty more light during the day so you should see something so you can learn how the focussing works. Then, if that all works, tomorrow night point it at the moon. If you cannot see that, there is a real problem. Good luck! Keep asking questions and give a full description of the problem. Put up photos if you have a digital camera - that may help people here to spot the problems.
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