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Old 07-05-2024, 07:16 AM
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xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
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Yes Glen alerted me to that possibility and I saw my doctor and was told if it happens again go to hospital.

A most unusual occurrence last night.
I have been taking morphine to ease the wease, only 3 doses so far, but it seems to help a great deal.

Yesterday I had the girls pick up an oxygen monitor and found my O level low, as I expected at 90 and had it out for another test before I took my morphine.

It read 90 and went to 91 after some little while.

I then took my 3 rd batch so far of morphine and shortly thereafter coughed up what I could feel to be something solid and forming the expectation that it was a small blood clot having experienced same recently.

However upon inspection the " solid" seemed to be a piece of prawn approx 6 mm in diameter sitting in some clear liquid. Rather surprising. Another cough saw some liquid one associates with infection, and on that note I had been on antibiotics for a week.

Given my operation there is a greater risk of food going into my wind pipe so the discovery seemed reasonable.

Now here is the kicker...after " getting it together " I tested my O level after all this and find my O level rose to 94 then 95 to stabilise at 94, which is most satisfactory...maybe I had a blockage apart from other issues?

I have not exerted my self so far this morning as usually to do so has me out of breath for five minutes and the experience is far from pleasant however I seem to feel like my old self so it will be interesting to find how it goes for me later.

Of course the question arises...did I find a piece of naughty prawn or was that a piece of my deteriating lung

But what good luck...I feel.

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