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Old 04-05-2024, 11:27 AM
EpickCrom (Joe)
Epick Crom

EpickCrom is offline
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: Perth
Posts: 404
Saturn Daytime Observation

Hi fellow observers.

This a quite a brief observation report, but a significant one for me, I just got my first ever observation of Saturn during the day!

Using the waxing crescent moon as my guide at 9am local time in a blue sky and the sun shining I brought out my 10 inch dob to attempt this observation. Saturn lay 1° 20' away from the crescent moon. I centred my dob on the moon and plucked in my 9mm APM 100° eyepiece which gives me a TFOV of 45' then started slowly sweeping away from the moon in the direction of Saturn. After a couple of minutes scanning blue sky I was ready to give up when, lo!, there it was! A beautiful pale ghostly orb floating in blue sky, Saturn! It's rings are almost edge on now.

This marks the third planet I've seen during the day, after Venus and Jupiter. What a lovely, ghostly sight! Now to try for Mars in the daytime next!

Clear Skies
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