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Old 25-04-2024, 05:22 PM
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Saturn488 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 365
Lunt Solar Pressure Tuner Controller, another option?

For those who own a pressure tuned Lunt telescope!

I have been looking at the controller contraption for a while with no intention on purchasing it due the high cost (can buy a new scope!).

However, I feel us in Australia are on our own when it comes to maintenance of these solar scopes. If at any point my Lunt needs to be serviced I will need to send it to the US, pay for the service and pay the return shipping would cost an arm and leg. Similar with the Daystar Quark. A service runs $250 USD then add around $150 each way for post (you want a reliable and good post service as the equipment is expensive) so all up its $550 USD or $850 AUD.

In terms of maintenance, has anyone ever needed to get their scope's pressure re-tuned/checked? If so, how did you do it?

If on the off chance that someone does own the controller would they be willing to offer a tune at a cost?
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