Thread: Chichen attempt
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Old 13-04-2024, 04:25 PM
Startrek (Martin)
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Join Date: Dec 2017
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Just remember that Startools tracks your data from start to finish once you start processing ( it’s unlike any other software ).So to jump in and out of Startools to other post processing software compromises its ability to track your data on the fly and provide the best outcome as far as signal fidelity to noise mitigation after each module to the end.
We certainly can swap between ST and other software but it’s counterintuitive and doesn’t really make good sense.

You certainly have done a monumental amount of work to get that big Obs up and running which is testament to your determination to get things done no matter what’s obstacles are thrown at you
Hope Chemo does its job and doesn’t knock you around too much in the process
If the weather gods are kind we might get some more consistent clear nights in the coming weeks and months


Last edited by Startrek; 13-04-2024 at 04:45 PM.
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