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Old 26-03-2024, 03:42 PM
Leo.G (Leo)
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Leo.G is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Lithgow, NSW, Australia
Posts: 594
I have a near new slide rule here. I'm stuffed if I can remember how to use it.
Gone are the days of slide rules and Log tables.
I do love my still working calculator though, an old Casio FX790P with full programming functionality (Basic or machine code) required in the 80s for the electronics engineering studies. Along with a course in basic so we could use the things.

Saturn V
I have 4 original slides here of the Apollo 14 launch (published in the ASNSW monthly thing at one time). An old online friend of many years (Also a doctor (chemical engineering)) assisted a NASA doctor who took launch photos from a special staging area. He was gifted a set of 4 genuine, non published slides for his help and one of Apollo 13 going through the atmosphere (across the sky). My then 94 year old friend found the slides and the original letter gifting the slides and rights of these slides to him during a move from Florida and gifted them to me in Aus. The reproduced photos hang proudly on my living room wall.

Sadly I've lost contact with this friend after his wife of many years passed away Christmas eve 22 and he expressed his sorrow and loneliness. I think/hope his family may have moved him into a home.
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Last edited by Leo.G; 26-03-2024 at 04:46 PM.
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