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Old 12-01-2024, 10:03 PM
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OzEclipse (Joe Cali)
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Originally Posted by ObservingBee View Post
Thank you Joe I tried with the skywatcher and the d750 and 80-200 combo, I did see the Orion once I stacked the images but the stars are all blurry. Could be few things that I am looking into - I tried this before I saw your latest post so I mounted the camera in the Dec bracket which was not the steadiest of setups. Also I chose a 15 sec exposure time at 200mm which I think goes against the 500 rule - but then again if the star tracker is tracking then relative motion should be zero and long exposure times regardless of focal length should be possible isn’t it ? Or is my thinking fundamentally flawed ?

1. Point the camera at a bright star.
2. Set live view to highest magnification (16x??)
3. Focus the bright star then look for faint field stars to appear around it.
4. Focus to maximise the faint stars and the lens is focussed
5. Don't touch the lens and shift to the target object.

You may need to tape the zoom and or focus.

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