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Old 30-12-2023, 10:55 AM
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JeniSkunk (Jenifur)
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JeniSkunk is offline
Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 372
My secondary telescope is a type, that in the late 1950s/early 1960s, would have been classed as a "hobby killer".
It's a Royal Astro Optical 50mm x 500mm f10 tabletop refractor.
Lining up objects in its rifle-sight finder, is something I have not been able to successfully master.
Viewing objects in it though, they're always nice and sharp.

The big problem with modern "hobby killer" refractors isn't ever how small and dim they are.
It's how poor, cheap, and nasty, their manufacture, and quality is.
The old 1950s/1960s "hobby killer" "department store telescopes" are precision instruments, in comparison to their present day equivalents.

The Vixen D-60L has great optics and is an excellent classic scope.
It's one I'd love to find, someday.
Attached Thumbnails
Click for full-size image (Early 1960s RAO 50x500 f10 tabletop refractor.jpg)
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