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Old 14-11-2023, 10:15 PM
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Widefield wuss

AlexN is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Caboolture, Australia
Posts: 6,858
That's awesome mate.

JJJ is a good sort! I haven't seen her since 2010 as I've just come back from a decade long break from astronomy.

Unfortunately a lot of the old crew either don't post frequently or haven't been online in years.. the site appears to have gotten very quiet, there's not any regular dark sky parties listed or advertised.

I guess everyone has gone to Facebook groups or something?

Hopefully there's still a good crew around Brisbane to go and do some imaging with somewhere dark. We'll see I guess.

Originally Posted by steve000 View Post
SO here I am hijacking this thread from 2007, can I say how amazing iceinspace is, the fact that its still here and STILL has all the old stuff in it. This is internet history that's still living. Very very much appreciated..

Always, around 2011 I acquired the dome below from JJJ. Life has gotten in the way so "Starry Night Observatory" is yet to be built however the dome is still in good condition chilling in my yard.

Life is a little more stable so some thoughts are brewing about how i can set it up again. Part of this build id like to have some printouts of photos from when it was setup back in the day with the sunshine coast club.
If anyone has any photos of this era of our lives, I would absolutely love if you could post them. The joy from seeing the dome in its original glory will be next level but also will look great on a print as well as maybe give me a little more motivation.

Hopefully hijacking a old thread will put it up top again but also hopefully it is ok for me to do so. I figure why not keep it all together

JJJ, I hope you are well and life has treated you and your loved ones well over the years, its been a rough trip for sure.
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