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Old 16-10-2023, 08:58 PM
Dave882 (David)
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Join Date: Nov 2020
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Congrats on the new scope. There’s heeeeaaaps of options and a big limitation will be your budget. Please do yourself a favour and bypass the stock celestron eyepiece set as these really don’t bring the best view, and just be sure to google reviews when considering a purchase.
As was previously mentioned you will benefit from a longer focal length eyepiece (say 24-30mm) for many deep space objects, but for planets or small planetary nebula look for something around 6-12mm range. And then maybe something in between in the 18-24mm range. The wider fov eyepieces will be more expensive, but even something around the 60degree mark is going to be quite satisfactory. In my opinion it’s best to get 2-3 quality eyepieces instead of a heap of cheap ones. I love the explore scientific range which are not quite as expensive as some but provide very nice views for longer focal length scopes such as scts.
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