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Old 13-09-2023, 10:12 AM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
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Originally Posted by joshman View Post
what about a paint roller to assist in the application process? I'm sure some kind of lamination press could be jerry-rigged.

What kind of glue are you using to apply the print to the acrylic? How big are the prints?

You could fasion a roller out of some large diameter poly pipe, and use a clean/soft material as a buffer to not damage the print?
This process first started with encasing small prints (think drink coaster size) in resin.

Constant bubbles forming in the resin (despite using a heat gun) and a less than perfectly flat cured surface from silicone moulds canned that idea.

Round two was to use a thermal laminator and adhesive backed PVC sheets to face mount prints to the acrylic sheets.

Epic fail....

....but led to round three and to use a transfer liquid to allow the PVC adhesive surface to slip a tad on the acrylic sheet, then use a roller or squeegee to remove any bubbles.

Nearly there, but with surface mounting to acrylic the print bond has to be perfect.

To be sure this nut has already been cracked long ago by commercial labs.. but my goal was not to mount A2 prints for a museum quality display. A small format photo block, however would be cool.

My most recent efforts attached...not perfect but getting there.
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