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Old 01-06-2023, 10:06 AM
Startrek (Martin)
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Startrek is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Sydney and South Coast NSW
Posts: 6,100
As a bona fide user of Newtonian reflectors my suggestions are -

6” f5 Newt GSO or Skywatcher
8” f5 Newt GSO or Skywatcher

You can pick up either of these Newts for under $1000

No problem sitting on the NEQ6 mount
Easy to collimate
Biggest bang for buck
Suitable for both DSO and Planetary imaging
Plenty of reach
Using an APS C sized camera sensor eg: 2600MM or 2600MC you can fit in most Popular DSO objects

Most beginners tend to steer away from Newts as they have an aura about being difficult to collimate , balance , and set up generally . This is a misnomer, as once you get familiar with them , it’s easy and straightforward

I’ve used Newts from 6” to 12” from day one and they certainly perform at the highest level of Astrophotography

Good luck with which ever path you choose

Clear Skies
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