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Old 25-05-2023, 11:29 AM
Leo.G (Leo)
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Leo.G is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Lithgow, NSW, Australia
Posts: 591
14mm Rokinon (Samyang) won't focus at infinity

I have the non AF Nikon version of a Rokinon 14mm F2.8-ED lens, it's a fantastic lens for shooting the Milky Way on my old Nikon D80. It also produces great images when I use an adapter and fit it onto an original Canon 5D I was loaned but I can't for the life of me get it correctly focused on my Nikon D810.
It seems like the focus ring just doesn't go far enough to obtain focus.
I had the identical problem with the first Rokinon lens I purchased but it was returned and reissued immediately and no problems achieving focus until trying it on my D810.

It's the most frustrating thing, especially since we've had so much rain over the past few years and now outside temps are below zero and the skies are clear (locally) it just won't focus.
It seems like I have to go beyond where the focus ring locks at infinity. I even thought if I could get a minute spacer between the camera and lens it may be fine but I have to check if the lens moves closer or further from the sensor at infinity, I can't remember.

I've searched online in the past and just can't find any reference to a strip down to rectify the problem. I believe I found such a video for the 85mm Rokinon but not the 35mm or the 14mm.

I also have the 35mm F1.4 I purchased used and was assured focus was fine, it's not, it's the same on any camera. I can stop it down and achieve focus but that defies the point of having an F1.4 lens.

In just remembering that fact I didn't think to try stopping the 14mm down and seeing if it will focus, I'm such an IDIOT!

I'd love to see a video or any information in relation to stripping the lens down and fixing it for good if anyone has any idea where I may find such information?
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