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Old 10-04-2023, 09:58 AM
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Matthieu is offline
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 20
Advice needed, should I prioritise UHC (or OIII) filter or ultra wide field eyepieces

Hi there,

I'm new here and am interested in hearing any advice you may have on what to prioritise first between ultra wide angle eyepieces (82°+) or nebulae filters.

Over the last 4-5 months of learning on a 70mm f/10, I've found myself enjoying M42 and Carina the most but at the same time couldn't really see much galaxies wise (LMC/SMC aside). I've just bought a second hand 400mm (16inch) f/4.5 but I suspect that nebulae will be a mainstay of what I look at hence the filter question

I already have a 68° 30mm GSO superview as well as some Celestron X-cell 60° eyepieces (a range between 25-5mm) so I'm not stuck with 42° aFoV.

Considering the above, does it make more sense to invest in something like a 31mm Luminos (I still need to check my dilated pupil size though) or get a similar quality midrange filter. Note that TV, ES and co are out of reach for now.

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