Thread: New observatory
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Old 31-03-2023, 12:03 AM
xelasnave's Avatar
Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Openned tonight..however the roof is still playing up..we think it flexes ( I had my assistant helping me...and lucky that I got him in as the roof had to be moved manually)..the thing has moved and the track was not sitting on the gears.

And shows how stupid I am..with out thinking here I am on top of a ladder..crazy right there, trying to man handle this roof back onto its roller...I just backed off before I was ready to take the strain...goodbye back forever thinking now...but half a second before I was going to lift it hit me..dont even try...thank goodness..but I just got so involved in solving the problem trip.

Well we are sure now that it flexes and that causes issues..fixing that will not be easy as where we need bracing it will hit scopes..,

,anyways tidied the whole place..found one dead rat, five hornets nests, but given the way I had to leave it when the back issues hit and the night everything went wrong weeks ago the progress tonight was pretty good...

the main thing is we got the RASA firing..sorted out its guiding issues and produced one 120 sec image with round stars when the last time I was getting blocks..But that was perhaps the most satisfying image I have ever taken because at least one rig is working fine and putting it in context of all my issues it was like a really big win finally...sure I would to have liked more but going forwards will do.

Started putting back borrowed stuff to restore what it was like prior to messing with the eight and its new stuff but did not bother even looking at the 8 inch tonight.

The roof is a worry but things could have been much much worse as after the last terrible night and the back bringing me to a halt I did not secure the roof was all I could do that night to get it closed..but I did not connect cables or bolts to hold it down in a wind....and we had had very very very lucky that it did not come off...and perhaps the flexing came from the strong winds etc...we will have another go at fixing the roof on Sunday...

But happily we were able to open it enough to get the RASA guiding sorted so still very happy, not withstanding still having roof issues particularly as last time we thought it was perfect...

But the swing is now heading up...

It was so good to just be mucking about and if nothing else all the tools and clutter are outside and now It is starting to look good again with only three necessary tool cases under the desk..

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