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Old 24-12-2022, 09:38 PM
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Saturn488 is offline
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Posts: 365
Originally Posted by Camelopardalis View Post
I’m going to suggest what Issue 2 looks like to me, but you will be able to say whether it’s relevant or not.

It looks like you’ve taken the shots over multiple nights and one set doesn’t align with the other set. This is why get get the smoother image inside the lines, while the outer edges are more noisy. This can be caused by not framing accurately enough over the different nights.
I had another look over my data and some of my nights I captured, framing was way off for some reason which will explain it!

It isn't a big deal as I can crop the image post-processing but next clear night I will recapture some channels and ensure its framed properly. I won't re-stack it but that sounds like it would be it.

Thank you!
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