Thread: New observatory
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Old 20-09-2022, 12:46 PM
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xelasnave is offline
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I have been mentioning things in other threads but thought to add updates here.

I hope I have not left much out...

The idea of standing the RASA and EQ8 on the floor was wishful idea was to put it on the central pier but that would mean my alluminium hand made casting of the connection between the mount and the pier would be scraped..and looking at that casting reminds me of what a huge task it was for me and is a little reminder that if you work at something long enought good results follow...I am rather proud of it and so I cant not just scrap it...and if I move thecRASA there I would need to make another one just for the RASA...mmm which is a good reason to move it to the middle I guess..a second casting should be easy.

So I made three holes in the floor and built a concrete pad on the ground under pinned with star pickets driven into the ground and more star pickets (3 for each pier) inside the pipes that also become form work for the concrete... such that now the RASA and EQ8 via the tripod sit on a very solid foundation. (When I say I it was my assistant who became my hands...but supervising was the big part as although it seems simple you must measure measure measure and then measure again...interestingly When the RASA was back in place but on top of the piers the pa was only 37 minutes out on the horizontal and elevation was with in pays to try and be perfect..happily these days I thought that was not too far off and rather than be disappointed I took pride that it was so close..but I just knew the elevation would be off because I only guessed the level on thectop of the front pier..but 37 seconds showed it was a decent guess...I suppose I could move thexrasaout of the way and sand it down to get it perfect...I guess I will have to I cant just leave such a glaring fault there and me knowing it is there...I think Ibshould sckip my sleep and get onto it right away.

A chap offered some 250 mm pvc pipe but I could not wait and so purchased some steel pipe 150 mm and filled them with concrete around three star pickets.. very strong and stable..I was not sure that the pvc 250 mm pipe would happen but on calling at the Rural Agent was given 2 mtrs of pvc pipe that the guy set aside for I have decided to use that pipe to put in another 3 pier system to place my EQ 5 mount and 80mm will be identical so I can change the EQ 8 and EQ 5 around...

So today I purchasered all the star pickets and most of the concrete to do this additional pier set up,.. my assistant may do it on Thursday but if not I will start when I finish sorting the winches...the new fittings are well on the way and if I had it in me I would have finished today but I really need to take it a bit easy as after all I am 75's not like I am only 65 is it..

I added an Asiair plus to the RASA set up and I am 110% impressed...I can now lay in the van and control impressed I have ordered another two Asiair plus units to go on the EQ6 with the 115 mm and on the EQ 5 with the 80 mm...I also ordered the final EAF so all three will be controlled via my on a good night there will be three flows of data...I am not sure about merging the data from all three into one image..I did get some software but it seems too clunky to be of practical use..anyways three different objects in a night is the way of it at least for now.

The changing of filters on the RASA is a real pain so I think I will just use it with the ZWO 2600 OSC ( not happy with this compromise but I do have a filter draw on the OSC and I may get one of those fancy filters if I can find something that handles the RASAs fast action.... and get a filter wheel to handles the 2 inch filters I bought for it and place them on the 115mm...that way I won't have to go into the observatory other than to get food from my second camper fridge which lives in there and pick up the USB sticks with data for processing in the van..the 80mm has the ZWO 1600 mono and eight place filter wheel waiting to go on after I fit the EAF.

So 2 Asiairs and one EAF are one the way.

Now the roof needs to be controlled from bed as I am making a fitting that will enable two cables to go on the one winch..( need two fittings as there are two winches) when one is pulled in the other will go this is proving difficult as I have spent two days and can see another two days before I get it to work however the pay off will be worth it as the current set has me relocating the cables and for me it is simply dangerous..I waddle around like a penguin and how I have not had a fall is testimony to my extreme good luck...I really need the new wheels in place to do useful testing...


I am waiting on new wheels that should be a huge improvement...if not I will need to add more wheels..but it is a terrible job as you need to Jack up up the roof so the runner will be off the track by at least five inches..I have yet to work out how to provide safety measures so the roof does not slide off...It is one of thosecthingscwhere you think itsxweightvwill hold it in place nn not me..I can already image trying to get something liked that back where it should be.....the new wheels may be here I really need to start to work out the safest way to change the wheels..but I will drill inspection and or lubrication holes...and if I can change the set up so I can change wheels with out a huge jacking that is worth while..a chance to create a system to add more wheels...honestly the sound of dragging the roof at the moment is over the top .it it so loud .. it is like there are no wheels at all...anyways it will be made right...I asked the neighbour ages ago and they saidctgey do not notice..but they must..a clean mower going back and forth.. scull dragging the roof...

Further to control the roof I ordered an Arduino started's here but unwrapped.. so I can learn about how to set it up..I know at least I need relays and must write some will be fun and great to stop me getting old .. I once dabbled in basic so I am prepared not to get frustrated or give up.

Also as I plan doing mega stacks in a Sortta lucky imaging approach I asked my daughter to build a decent desk top computer..which is complete and we are now adding softeware a second screen power box etc...powering it needs attention but that can come week as I have enough for this week...I have had no time to play guitar and that is so important to keep the old brain working I's really just numbers at the bottom of what you do when improvising..feel comes into it but numbers are the rules.

I must take a break now as I have been now imaging more or less all night for three nights and I think it prudent to sleep more today as tonight holds promise...but what I do is set up to take say 1.5 hours and watch some sort of history video so I nod off dreaming I am part of history and set the alarm so I wake up before the mount decides to park...this is where the system needs refinement as I have to wake up to change a finally when it's is all set up I can open from bed program each Asiair set them running and go to sleep...OH..I just remembered I need a monitoring camera so to see what is going on in the observatory while I am in bed...

Anyways when this is all working I will be able to put more time into the microscopes as they are not getting used and I have so many little ideas I want to work with on the photography side...

Anyways sorry to be so brief and not showing step by step ..if any one has a specific question I of course will do my best to answer.


Last edited by xelasnave; 20-09-2022 at 01:12 PM.
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