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Old 05-06-2022, 04:00 PM
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Drac0 (Mark)
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Drac0 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2020
Location: Nowra, NSW
Posts: 532
And yet, I still wonder whether a tethered PC or whatever can manage dithering 2 cameras simultaneously. What software offers that feature? I don’t know of any.
I use APT which allows this - you can set up a number of cameras by running multiple sessions (default is 2 with initial install, but easy to create more), set one as the server, the others as clients & co-ordinate the dithering between different length exposures in a couple of different ways. Works well.

For example:
You have one camera doing 45 second exposures & another doing 5 minutes exposures. You can do either both do one image & dither together after the longer exposure finishes. Or, a better way to me, is set the shorter exposures to do as many as it can before the long exposure finishes then both dither together. In the case of the 45/300 setup, the 45 second one would take half a dozen images while the 300 second does one image, then both would dither together. The only real downside of this is that the shorter exposures get less dithering based on how many can be done while the longer exposure is going. A shorter exposure of a bit less than half the long exposure, say 120sec with 300sec, does very well.

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