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Old 02-03-2022, 02:48 AM
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The Observologist

ngcles is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Billimari, NSW Central West
Posts: 1,664
Hi Joe,

Here are my observing notes for NGC 3195 using both 25 and 46cm. In both instances I used a UHC nebula filter and with the 46cm observation, an OIII filter too. That latter observation was from a rural site with unusually good seeing:

NGC 3195 PNe Chameleon
25cm x181: A very interesting object! Found immediately E of a magnitude 12.5 star. Appears 30 - 40" diameter. Seems dimmer at the centre. Well defined edge, but beyond this outer edge there seems to be a little diffuse faint haze. Moderately brighter lobes within the halo aligned E-W on the inner sides of the ring. In some respects similar to NGC 6445 and M27. Grey. Edges stand out well.

46cm x317: This is a bright and interesting PNe that stands out well in the field, nestled beside (to the E) of a small triangle of magnitudes 12, 13 & 13 stars. Responds well to the UHC and OIII filter and has good surface brightness. Seems slightly elongated in PA 0, 40 x 30" and has a mottled surface that is uneven in surface brightness and definitely dimmer toward the centre, though no central star is visible with or without filter. Seems to have an elongated central hole of irregular surface brightness 20 x 15" in PA 0 that is a little dimmer than the periphery. Not particularly hard edges to the disc. Without filtration, it is a bluish grey.


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