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Old 04-02-2022, 06:46 PM
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Ryderscope (Rodney)
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Originally Posted by Merlin66 View Post
In your diagrams the top one is correct, the others are in error.
The second diagram - the lens is still 44mm and no longer focuses on the sensor, hence the need to move the sensor or add back a filter element
The third is incorrect as the Lens has a fixed focus of 44mm.
{edit} This is based on the lens being focused on infinity. Obviously you can refocus the lens (within limits) to compensate, but the infinity focus doesn't change.
Thanks. Clarifying the assumed setting at infinity focus is a good idea.

I see Ken that you are sticking doggedly to the fact that the lens has a 44mm set back distance when removed from the DSLR body. You note also that the second and third images in my diagram are wrong because of this. From my viewpoint the diagram is correct and there is nothing in your response that refutes this. Simply sticking to the fact that the 44mm set back is not changed without a supporting analysis does not take us anywhere.

Can I trouble you maybe to produce a similar diagram to mine demonstrating how the 44mm set back distance can be maintained when the lens is removed from the DSLR body?

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