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Old 23-12-2021, 07:42 AM
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pmrid (Peter)
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Originally Posted by RyanJones View Post
Hi Peter,

I have the same haze in my images which I’ve been chasing with varied success for a while so I’ll be watching this thread so see if any other tips come in from the wiser folk. What type of scope are you using ? I found on my Newtonian that I was leaking a lot of light around my mirror and down the draw tube of my focuser. Reducing that really helped, but didn’t get rid of, some of the haze. On the topic of CLS filters, I’ve tried a couple. I recently bought an optolong L-pro to use to take subs to ad back star colour. I’m really impressed with it. I’ve had Baader and Astronomik CLS filters and in my humble opinion the L-pro works significantly better than either.


Hi Ryan. I’m using a newt. With that light-leak around the mirror possibility, I have made a sort of shower cap thing I can tie over the end of the OTA but have yet to try it out. I’m concerned not to create a heat trap around the mirror though.

I had a look at the Optolong L Pro specs. It covers the big 3 in 2 bands but has 3 other bands as well which it describes as being for “ultimate color balance”. Seems to me to be making the point that these are for use with OSC and DSLR cameras - not mono.

Last edited by pmrid; 23-12-2021 at 09:09 AM.
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