Thread: AstroDon
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Old 17-12-2021, 12:23 AM
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tooth_dr (Adam)
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Originally Posted by The_bluester View Post
It is interesting to see Baader mentioning that in many cases that halos seen are a result of reflections from the camera, passing back though filters and reflecting back again off other optical elements. Given the price of Dons and Chromas, I wonder how much of lack of reflections is down to the likely top dollar glass that is in front of it (If you can afford Astrodons, you are probably not using them with an ED80 or a budget flattener!)
This thread came up on a search when I was trying to get some advice on Chroma 3nm/5nm filters. I've been having issues with haloes with the new Baader CMOS filters, and I subsequently bought a 3nm Oiii Chroma filter. I have been unsure whether to buy the 3nm or 5nm Ha filter.

You have wondered if the ability of Chromas or Astrodons to control haloes is down to the quality of the glass. If that was the case, then I'd expect the new Baader CMOS filters to work equally well. On my LZOS APM/Riccardi 0.75 reducer I have absolutely no haloes with my new Chroma Oii filter, but significant haloes with my new Baader CMOS Oiii filter.

I actually still own an ED80/SW 0.85x FR/FF so I could try out a test with my Chroma on that sometime in the future. My friend uses an ED80 with the Baader filters and gets a halo in Ha and Oiii, so I'd expect the Chroma to also remove this. I'd say Chromas ability to remove haloes is entirely a result of the filter itself.
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