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Old 14-11-2021, 05:11 AM
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pmrid (Peter)
Ageing badly.

pmrid is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Cloudy, light-polluted Bribie Is.
Posts: 3,683
Thanks for the responses (and the offer Mike). I have massacred 2 web cams so far trying to get a decent image. The first one was funny (afterwards) but made me feel a bit of a dill at the time. I had drilled a 3mm hole in the centre of a lens cap and then spent an hour gluing the bloody microphone to the hole. Put it down to senility.
The second one is the current iteration. I have been able to shove the camera into an old eyepiece tube but with no pinhole to look through. Its just a camera lens in a 32mm tube. Perhaps that’s my second mistake.

I’ve chucked it for now and gone back to the laser.
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