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Old 24-05-2021, 10:00 PM
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Zuts is offline
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Thanks Steve

Definitely being warm would help with the enjoyment on a frosty winter night in Wiruna, not sure how people cope in the US or Canada..

Thanks Dunk

It seems if you go for battery then spending more is better as you can hope the quality is better, still at nearly $200 for Blaze gloves and battery i need to think about it.

I am going to try an experiment. I have a thin woollen pair of gloves and a thicker over pair. The thin pair has the finger tips cut off so I can control the ASIAir using my phone or tablet. I will try wearing both pairs with a cheap chemical handwarmer on the outside of the cheap pair and see how that goes; and continue to look for reviews on battery gloves.

Any other suggestions very welcome.
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