Thread: Voyager
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Old 16-04-2021, 09:27 PM
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peter_4059 (Peter)
Big Scopes are Cool

peter_4059 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: SE Tasmania
Posts: 4,540
Hi Paul,

I'm in a small inner city block near Brisbane with huge neighbors trees all around. My maximum window on a single target is 2 hours and some are just one hour hence the reason my script has 5 targets and only ever points East.

I have a sequence defined per target and after choosing 5 targets, do a save as for each of these to SEQ_1...SEQ_5 so the dragscript doesn't need to change. All the coords and limits are already pre-defined in the sequence files.

I haven't used robotarget but do use the Virtual FOV to do the initial framing when I create the sequence files.

My dragscript has evolved and grown (>600 lines) as I've added physical assets like a cloud monitor and power switching so it might have some stuff that is redundant now but it is working so I'll stick with it for now.

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