Thread: Voyager
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Old 15-04-2021, 09:49 PM
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peter_4059 (Peter)
Big Scopes are Cool

peter_4059 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: SE Tasmania
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I've been experimenting with Voyager for a while and in particular the scripting function for all night unattended imaging. I've come a long way and have now had several nights where I've switched the pc on, started the script and Voyager has looked after everything right thought to shut down at dawn. Last night I decided it would be fun to set up the all sky camera in a position where it could see the sky and the scope.

As you can see from the timelapse, I only have a limited piece of sky to shoot in so I have set altitude and hour angle limits per target so Voyager knows when to start and stop each target. It sits and waits for 10 minutes if no target is ready to image. This way the script needs no adjustment over time other than choosing which targets (I have slots for 5 per night in my script).
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