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Old 03-03-2021, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by jahnpahwa View Post
Greg, are these the same OTAs you have? And if so, is it a coincidence?
I have the RHA but not an FSQ although I have had 2 FSQ's in the past - lovely scopes. I have a CFF105 F6 and an AP130GT upgraded with the 3.5 inch GTX focuser and 3.5 inch flattener and a CDK17 F6.8 for small objects.

I haven't run 2 scopes at the same time on the same object one with OSC and one with luminance. Although my observatory has 2 piers and was designed to run 2 at once.

One is usually enough of a handful but I could run 2 at once.

I've had quite a few scopes over the years but settled on the above and finally don't feel any need for more. Each is excellent in its own class. Its a matter then of extracting that performance.

With regards to OSC I think the game as changed as these new CMOS sensors like the ASI2600/QHY268 are so sensitive. Nik's Eta Carina image for example is a good example. A superb image and the OSC has shown very good Ha and O111 performance. It looks to be about the same as a previous mono CCD where typical Ha and O111 sensitivity is often 30%- 50% or less. Usually less for O111.

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