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Old 02-03-2021, 07:17 PM

JA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Originally Posted by Ribodab View Post
From my understanding with astrophotography many use small apertures compared to visual astronomy. They use refractors, easier to hand, dont need as heavy duty mounts, no collimation and better sharpness and no centre obstruction. If aperture was the main issue then all astrophotographers would have hugh apertures, but simply don't.

The aperture comes into play with planetary, with astrophotography you put your money into the mount first, and aperture less concerning.
Hi R,

Aperture, focal ratio and other related measures like entendue are all important if you want to strive for the highest possible optical resolution, high signal to noise ratio possibly with reduced imaging time. Your point about all astrophotograhers not having large apertures can also be guided by other factors they choose to trade off, such as cost, portability, ease of use ....&c

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